Any demolitions, alterations and extensions to a Listed Building need to approved by the Council. Alterations to the following will require a Listed Building Consent:
the building itself
any object or structure fixed to it
any object or structure that has been within the curtilage of the building since 1948
Listed Building consent will require drawings similar to standard Planning Applications but will also require certain elements of the development be drawn up to a higher standard of detail and to a larger scale. Often detailing the exact method or product to be used during the build phase to ensure it matches existing details and materials. This is to ensure any alteration to the building will be in keeping with the character of the property.
We can handle the surveying and detailing of the existing features along with the proposed alterations to create a drawing package suitable for Listed building Consent. We will also create any other associated documents that are required such as the Design and Access Statement and Heritage Statement.
The process can be quite daunting if it's not something you're familiar with but we can help you collate all the the information you'll need to satisfy the council requirement.
Suitable for property owners or Property Management Companies